
class febio_python.feb._feb_25.Feb25(tree: ElementTree | None = None, root: Element | None = None, filepath: str | Path | None = None)[source]
add_boundary_conditions(boundary_conditions: List[BoundaryCondition]) None[source]

Adds boundary conditions to Boundary.


boundary_conditions (list of BoundaryCondition) – List of boundary condition objects.

add_discrete_materials(materials: List[DiscreteMaterial]) None[source]

Adds discrete materials to Discrete.


materials (list of Material) – List of Material objects, each containing an ID, type, parameters, name, and attributes.

add_discrete_sets(discrete_sets: List[DiscreteSet]) None[source]

Adds discrete sets to Geometry, appending to existing discrete sets if they share the same name.


discrete_sets (list of DiscreteSet) – List of DiscreteSet objects, each containing a name and element IDs.

add_element_data(element_data: List[ElementData]) None[source]

Adds element data to MeshData, appending to existing element data if they share the same element set.


element_data (list of ElementData) – List of ElementData objects, each containing an element set, name, and data.

add_element_sets(elementsets: List[ElementSet]) None[source]

Adds element sets to Geometry, appending to existing element sets if they share the same name.


elementsets (list of ElementSet) – List of ElementSet objects, each containing a name and element IDs.

add_elements(elements: List[Elements]) None[source]

Adds elements to Geometry, appending to existing elements if they share the same name. Automatically detects the highest element ID to ensure unique IDs for new elements.


elements (list of Elements) – List of Elements objects, each containing name, material, type, and connectivity.


ValueError – If any element connectivity does not meet expected format or length.

add_load_curves(load_curves: List[LoadCurve]) None[source]

Adds load curves to LoadData, appending to existing load curves if they share the same ID.


load_curves (list of LoadCurve) – List of LoadCurve objects, each containing an ID, type, and data.

add_materials(materials: List[Material]) None[source]

Adds materials to Material, appending to existing materials if they share the same ID.


materials (list of Material) – List of Material objects, each containing an ID, type, parameters, name, and attributes.

add_nodal_data(nodal_data: List[NodalData]) None[source]

Adds nodal data to MeshData


nodal_data (list of NodalData) – List of NodalData objects, each containing a node set, name, and data.

add_nodal_loads(nodal_loads: List[NodalLoad]) None[source]

Adds nodal loads to Loads.


nodal_loads (list of NodalLoad) – List of NodalLoad objects, each containing a boundary condition, node set, scale, and load curve.

add_node_sets(nodesets: List[NodeSet]) None[source]

Adds node sets to Geometry, appending to existing node sets if they share the same name.


nodesets (list of NodeSet) – List of NodeSet objects, each containing a name and node IDs.

add_nodes(nodes: List[Nodes]) None[source]

Adds nodes to Geometry, appending to existing nodes if they share the same name. Automatically detects the highest node ID to ensure unique IDs for new nodes.


nodes (list of Nodes) – List of Nodes objects, each containing a name and coordinates.


ValueError – If any node coordinates do not consist of three elements.

add_surface_data(surface_data: List[SurfaceData]) None[source]

Adds surface data to MeshData, appending to existing surface data if they share the same surface set.


surface_data (list of SurfaceData) – List of SurfaceData objects, each containing a surface set, name, and data.

add_surface_loads(pressure_loads: List[SurfaceLoad]) None[source]

Adds pressure loads to Loads.


pressure_loads (list of SurfaceLoad) – List of SurfaceLoad objects, each containing a surface, attributes, and multiplier.

add_surface_sets(surfacesets: List[SurfaceSet]) None[source]

Adds surface sets to Geometry, appending to existing surface sets if they share the same name.


surfacesets (list of SurfaceSet) – List of SurfaceSet objects, each containing a name and node IDs.

clear(nodes=True, elements=True, surfaces=True, volumes=True, nodesets=True, surfacesets=True, elementsets=True, materials=True, nodal_loads=True, pressure_loads=True, loadcurves=True, boundary_conditions=True, nodal_data=True, surface_data=True, element_data=True) None[source]

Clears the FEBio model of all data, based on the specified options.

  • nodes (bool) – Remove all nodes.

  • elements (bool) – Remove all elements.

  • surfaces (bool) – Remove all surface elements.

  • volumes (bool) – Remove all volume elements.

  • nodesets (bool) – Remove all node sets.

  • surfacesets (bool) – Remove all surface sets.

  • elementsets (bool) – Remove all element sets.

  • materials (bool) – Remove all materials.

  • nodal_loads (bool) – Remove all nodal loads.

  • pressure_loads (bool) – Remove all pressure loads.

  • loadcurves (bool) – Remove all load curves.

  • boundary_conditions (bool) – Remove all boundary conditions.

  • nodal_data (bool) – Remove all nodal data.

  • surface_data (bool) – Remove all surface data.

  • element_data (bool) – Remove all element data.

clear_boundary_conditions() None[source]

Removes all boundary conditions from Boundary.

clear_discrete_materials() None[source]

Removes all discrete materials from Discrete.

clear_discrete_sets() None[source]

Removes all discrete sets from Geometry.

clear_element_data() None[source]

Removes all element data from MeshData.

clear_element_sets() None[source]

Removes all element sets from Geometry.

clear_elements() None[source]

Removes all elements from Geometry.

clear_load_curves() None[source]

Removes all load curves from LoadData.

clear_materials() None[source]

Removes all materials from Material.

clear_nodal_data() None[source]

Removes all nodal data from MeshData.

clear_nodal_loads() None[source]

Removes all nodal loads from Loads.

clear_node_sets() None[source]

Removes all node sets from Geometry.

clear_nodes() None[source]

Removes all nodes from Geometry.

clear_surface_data() None[source]

Removes all surface data from MeshData.

clear_surface_elements() None[source]

Removes all surface elements from Geometry.

clear_surface_loads() None[source]

Removes all pressure loads from Loads.

clear_surface_sets() None[source]

Removes all surface sets from Geometry.

clear_volume_elements() None[source]

Removes all volume elements from Geometry.

get_element_sets(dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>) List[ElementSet][source]

Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype. :param dtype: Numpy dtype. :type dtype: np.dtype


[ElementSet(name, node_ids)]

Return type:


get_node_sets(dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>) List[NodeSet][source]

Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype. :param dtype: Numpy dtype. :type dtype: np.dtype


[Nodeset(name, node_ids)]

Return type:


get_surface_sets(dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>) List[SurfaceSet][source]

Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype. :param dtype: Numpy dtype. :type dtype: np.dtype


[SurfaceSet(name, node_ids)]

Return type:


remove_all_surface_elements() None[source]

Removes all surface elements from Geometry.

remove_all_volume_elements() None[source]

Removes all volume elements from Geometry.

remove_boundary_conditions(types: List[str], bc: List[str] | None = None) None[source]

Removes boundary conditions from Boundary by type and optionally fiter type by boundary condition. e.g. remove_boundary_conditions([“fix”], [“BC1”]), instead of removing all fix conditions, only BC1 will be removed.

  • types (list of str) – List of boundary condition types to remove.

  • bc (list of str) – List of boundary conditions to remove.

remove_discrete_materials(ids: List[str | int]) None[source]

Removes discrete materials from Discrete by ID, name or type.


ids (list of int) – List of discrete material IDs, types, remove.

remove_discrete_sets(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes discrete sets from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of discrete set names to remove.

remove_element_data(elementsets_or_names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes element data from MeshData by elem_set or name.


elementsets_or_names (list of str) – List of element sets or names to remove.

remove_element_sets(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes element sets from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of element set names to remove.

remove_elements(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes elements from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of element names to remove.

remove_load_curves(ids: List[int]) None[source]

Removes load curves from LoadData by ID.


ids (list of int) – List of load curve IDs to remove.

remove_materials(ids: List[str | int]) None[source]

Removes materials from Material by ID, name or type.


ids (list of int) – List of material IDs, types, remove.

remove_nodal_data(nodesets_or_names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes nodal data from MeshData by node_set or name.


nodesets_or_names (list of str) – List of node sets or names to remove.

remove_nodal_loads(bc_or_node_sets: List[str]) None[source]

Removes nodal loads from Loads by boundary condition or node set.


bc_or_node_sets (list of str) – List of boundary conditions or node sets to remove.

remove_node_sets(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes node sets from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of node set names to remove.

remove_nodes(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes nodes from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of node names to remove.

remove_surface_data(surfacesets_or_names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes surface data from MeshData by surf_set or name.


surfacesets_or_names (list of str) – List of surface sets or names to remove.

remove_surface_loads(surfaces: List[str]) None[source]

Removes pressure loads from Loads by surface.


surfaces (list of str) – List of surfaces to remove.

remove_surface_sets(names: List[str]) None[source]

Removes surface sets from Geometry by name.


names (list of str) – List of surface set names to remove.

setup_controls(analysis_type='static', time_steps=10, step_size=0.1, max_refs=15, max_ups=10, diverge_reform=1, reform_each_time_step=1, dtol=0.001, etol=0.01, rtol=0, lstol=0.9, min_residual=1e-20, qnmethod='BFGS', rhoi=0, dtmin=0.01, dtmax=0.1, max_retries=5, opt_iter=10, must_points=False, integration_rule_ut4=False, integration_rule_ut4_alpha=0.05, integration_rule_ut4_iso_stap=True, **control_settings)[source]

Set up or replace the control settings in an FEBio .feb file.

  • analysis_type (str) – Type of analysis (e.g., ‘static’).

  • time_steps (int) – Number of time steps.

  • step_size (float) – Time step size.

  • max_refs (int) – Maximum number of reformations.

  • max_ups (int) – Maximum number of updates.

  • diverge_reform (int) – Flag for divergence reform.

  • reform_each_time_step (int) – Flag to reform each time step.

  • dtol (float) – Displacement tolerance.

  • etol (float) – Energy tolerance.

  • rtol (float) – Residual tolerance.

  • lstol (float) – Line search tolerance.

  • min_residual (float) – Minimum residual.

  • qnmethod (int) – Quasi-Newton method.

  • rhoi (int) – Rhoi parameter.

  • dtmin (float) – Minimum time step size.

  • dtmax (float) – Maximum time step size.

  • max_retries (int) – Maximum retries.

  • opt_iter (int) – Optimal iterations.

  • **control_settings – Additional control settings to add to the control element. Any nested elements should be passed as dictionaries.

setup_globals(T=0, R=0, Fc=0)[source]

Set up or replace the globals settings in an FEBio .feb file.

  • T (float) – Temperature constant.

  • R (float) – Universal gas constant.

  • Fc (float) – Force constant.




Set up or replace the output settings in an FEBio .feb file.


variables (list of str) – List of variables to output. If None, defaults to a predefined set.



update_boundary_conditions(boundary_conditions: List[FixCondition | RigidBodyCondition | BoundaryCondition]) None[source]

Updates boundary conditions in Boundary, replacing existing boundary conditions with the same type.


boundary_conditions (list of Union[FixCondition, RigidBodyCondition, BoundaryCondition]) – List of boundary condition objects.

update_element_data(element_data: List[ElementData]) None[source]

Updates element data in MeshData by element set, replacing existing element data with the same element set.


element_data (list of ElementData) – List of ElementData objects, each containing an element set, name, and data.

update_element_sets(elementsets: List[ElementSet]) None[source]

Updates element sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing element sets with the same name.


elementsets (list of ElementSet) – List of ElementSet objects, each containing a name and element IDs.

update_elements(elements: List[Elements]) None[source]

Updates elements in Geometry by name, replacing existing elements with the same name.


elements (list of Elements) – List of Elements objects, each containing name, material, type, and connectivity.

update_load_curves(load_curves: List[LoadCurve]) None[source]

Updates load curves in LoadData by ID, replacing existing load curves with the same ID.


load_curves (list of LoadCurve) – List of LoadCurve objects, each containing an ID, type, and data.

update_materials(materials: List[Material]) None[source]

Updates materials in Material by ID, replacing existing materials with the same ID.


materials (list of Material) – List of Material objects, each containing an ID, type, parameters, name, and attributes.

update_nodal_data(nodal_data: List[NodalData]) None[source]

Updates nodal data in MeshData by node set, replacing existing nodal data with the same node set.


nodal_data (list of NodalData) – List of NodalData objects, each containing a node set, name, and data.

update_nodal_loads(nodal_loads: List[NodalLoad]) None[source]

Updates nodal loads in Loads by node set, replacing existing nodal loads with the same node set.


nodal_loads (list of NodalLoad) – List of NodalLoad objects, each containing a boundary condition, node set, scale, and load curve.

update_node_sets(nodesets: List[NodeSet]) None[source]

Updates node sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing node sets with the same name.


nodesets (list of NodeSet) – List of NodeSet objects, each containing a name and node IDs.

update_nodes(nodes: List[Nodes]) None[source]

Updates nodes in Geometry by name, replacing existing nodes with the same name.


nodes (list of Nodes) – List of Nodes objects, each containing a name and coordinates.

update_surface_data(surface_data: List[SurfaceData]) None[source]

Updates surface data in MeshData by surface set, replacing existing surface data with the same surface set.


surface_data (list of SurfaceData) – List of SurfaceData objects, each containing a surface set, name, and data.

update_surface_loads(pressure_loads: List[SurfaceLoad]) None[source]

Updates pressure loads in Loads by surface, replacing existing pressure loads with the same surface.


pressure_loads (list of SurfaceLoad) – List of SurfaceLoad objects, each containing a surface, attributes, and multiplier.

update_surface_sets(surfacesets: List[SurfaceSet]) None[source]

Updates surface sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing surface sets with the same name.


surfacesets (list of SurfaceSet) – List of SurfaceSet objects, each containing a name and node IDs.