Source code for febio_python.feb._feb_40

from pathlib import Path
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, ElementTree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from .bases import AbstractFebObject
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, List
from collections import OrderedDict, deque

from febio_python.core import (
    # FixedAxis,

from ._caching import feb_instance_cache

[docs] class Feb40(AbstractFebObject): def __init__(self, tree: Union[ElementTree, None] = None, root: Union[Element, None] = None, filepath: Union[str, Path] = None): self._default_version = 4.0 super().__init__(tree, root, filepath) if self.version != 4.0: raise ValueError("This class is only for FEBio 4.0 files" f"Version found: {self.version}") # ========================================================================================================= # Retrieve methods # ========================================================================================================= # Main geometry data # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_nodes(self, dtype: np.dtype = np.float32) -> List[Nodes]: all_nodes: OrderedDict = self.get_tag_data(self.LEAD_TAGS.MESH, self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODES, content_type="text", dtype=dtype) listed_nodes = list() last_id = 0 for key, value in all_nodes.items(): this_ids = np.arange(last_id, last_id + value.shape[0], dtype=np.int64) listed_nodes.append(Nodes(name=key, coordinates=value, ids=this_ids)) last_id += value.shape[0] return listed_nodes @feb_instance_cache def get_elements(self, dtype: np.dtype = np.int64) -> List[Elements]: all_elements = [] # last_elem_id = 0 # Initialize the last element ID to 0 for elem_group in self.mesh.findall("Elements"): elem_type = elem_group.attrib.get("type") elem_name = elem_group.attrib.get("name", None) elem_part = elem_group.attrib.get("part", None) elem_mat = elem_group.attrib.get("mat", None) if elem_mat is not None: elem_mat = int(elem_mat) connectivity = deque() elem_ids = deque() for elem in elem_group.findall("elem"): # Convert the comma-separated string of node indices into an array of integers this_elem_connectivity = np.array(elem.text.split(','), dtype=dtype) connectivity.append(this_elem_connectivity) this_elem_id = int(elem.attrib["id"]) elem_ids.append(this_elem_id) # Convert the list of element connectivities to a numpy array connectivity = np.array(connectivity, dtype=dtype) - 1 # Correct ids to zero-based indexing # num_elems = connectivity.shape[0] elem_ids = np.array(elem_ids, dtype=np.int64) - 1 # Correct ids to zero-based indexing # Create an Elements instance for each element element = Elements(name=elem_name, mat=elem_mat, part=elem_part, type=elem_type, connectivity=connectivity, ids=elem_ids) all_elements.append(element) # last_elem_id += num_elems return all_elements @feb_instance_cache def get_surfaces(self, dtype=np.int64) -> List[Surfaces]: all_surfaces = [] for surf_group in self.mesh.findall("Surface"): mat_id = surf_group.attrib.get("mat", None) surf_part_id = surf_group.attrib.get("part", None) if mat_id is not None: try: mat_id = int(mat_id) except TypeError: pass surf_name = surf_group.attrib.get("name") connectivity = deque() surf_ids = deque() # get first child element of the surf_group surf_elem = surf_group[0] surf_type = surf_elem.tag for elem in surf_group.findall(surf_type): # Convert the comma-separated string of node indices into an array of integers this_surf_connectivity = np.array(elem.text.split(','), dtype=dtype) connectivity.append(this_surf_connectivity) this_surf_id = int(elem.attrib["id"]) surf_ids.append(this_surf_id) # Convert the list of surfent connectivities to a numpy array connectivity = np.array(connectivity, dtype=dtype) - 1 # Convert to zero-based indexing surf_ids = np.array(surf_ids, dtype=np.int64) - 1 # Convert to zero-based indexing # Create an surfents instance for each surfent surface = Surfaces(name=surf_name, mat=mat_id, part=surf_part_id, type=surf_type, connectivity=connectivity, ids=surf_ids) all_surfaces.append(surface) return all_surfaces # Node, element, surface sets # ------------------------------
[docs] @feb_instance_cache def get_node_sets(self, dtype=np.int64) -> List[NodeSet]: """ Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values \ representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype.\ Args: dtype (np.dtype): Numpy dtype. Returns: list: [Nodeset(name, node_ids)] """ # Extract the nodesets dictionary from the .feb file nodesets = self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODESET.value) # Convert the nodesets dictionary to a list of Nodeset named tuples nodeset_list = list() for item in nodesets: key = item.attrib.get("name") value = np.fromstring(item.text, sep=",", dtype=dtype) # convert value text to numpy array value -= 1 nodeset_list.append(NodeSet(name=key, ids=value)) return nodeset_list
[docs] @feb_instance_cache def get_surface_sets(self, dtype=np.int64) -> List[SurfaceSet]: """ Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values \ representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype.\ Args: dtype (np.dtype): Numpy dtype. Returns: list: [SurfaceSet(name, node_ids)] """ # Extract the nodesets dictionary from the .feb file surfacesets = self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACESET.value) # Convert the surfacesets dictionary to a list of Nodeset named tuples surfset_list = list() for item in surfacesets: key = item.attrib.get("name") value = np.fromstring(item.text, sep=",", dtype=dtype) # convert value text to numpy array value -= 1 surfset_list.append(SurfaceSet(name=key, ids=value)) return surfset_list
[docs] @feb_instance_cache def get_element_sets(self, dtype=np.int64) -> List[ElementSet]: """ Returns a dict with keys representing node set names and values \ representing corresponding node ids as a numpy array of specified dtype.\ Args: dtype (np.dtype): Numpy dtype. Returns: list: [ElementSet(name, node_ids)] """ # Extract the nodesets dictionary from the .feb file elemesets = self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTSET.value) # Convert the elemesets dictionary to a list of Nodeset named tuples elementset_list = list() for item in elemesets: key = item.attrib.get("name") value = np.fromstring(item.text, sep=",", dtype=dtype) # convert value text to numpy array value -= 1 elementset_list.append(ElementSet(name=key, ids=value)) return elementset_list
# Mesh Domains # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_mesh_domains(self) -> List[Union[GenericDomain, ShellDomain]]: all_domains = [] # get all child elements of MeshDomains for i, domain in enumerate(self.meshdomains.findall("./")): name = domain.attrib.get("name", f"UnnamedDomain{i}") mat = domain.attrib.get("mat", None) type = domain.attrib.get("type", None) if domain.tag.upper() == "SHELLDOMAIN": # get shell_normal_nodal child element shell_normal_nodal = float(domain.find("shell_normal_nodal").text) shell_thickness = float(domain.find("shell_thickness").text) new_domain = ShellDomain( id=i, name=name, mat=mat, type=type, shell_normal_nodal=shell_normal_nodal, shell_thickness=shell_thickness ) else: new_domain = GenericDomain( id=i, name=name, mat=mat ) all_domains.append(new_domain) return all_domains # Materials # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_materials(self) -> List[Material]: materials_list = [] for item in self.material.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.MATERIAL.value): # Initialize the dictionary for attributes mat_attrib = dict(item.attrib) # Extract parameters and remove them from attributes to avoid duplication parameters = {} for el in list(item): try: p_val = float(el.text) except ValueError: p_val = el.text parameters[el.tag] = p_val # Remove standard fields from attributes if they exist mat_id = mat_attrib.pop("id", None) try: mat_id = int(mat_id) except ValueError: pass mat_type = mat_attrib.pop("type", None) mat_name = mat_attrib.pop("name", "Unnamed Material") # Create a Material named tuple for the current material current_material = Material(id=mat_id, type=mat_type, parameters=parameters, name=mat_name, attributes=mat_attrib) # Append the created Material to the list materials_list.append(current_material) return materials_list # Loads # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_nodal_loads(self) -> List[NodalLoad]: nodal_loads = [] for i, load in enumerate(self.loads.findall("nodal_load")): # Update to find 'nodal_load' elements value_data = load.find("scale") # Convert value text to float if possible, maintain as text if not try: scale_value = float(value_data.text) except (ValueError, TypeError): scale_value = value_data.text # Keep as text if not convertible # in ths new version, scale is a "tuple" -> text separated by commas if isinstance(scale_value, str) and ',' in scale_value: scale_value = tuple(map(float, scale_value.split(','))) # Extracting the load curve id, default to 'NoCurve' lc_curve = value_data.attrib.get("lc", None) try: lc_curve = int(lc_curve) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # Extract the shell_bottom tag value (if it exists) shell_bottom = load.find("shell_bottom") if shell_bottom is not None: shell_bottom = shell_bottom.text try: shell_bottom = float(shell_bottom) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # Extract relative tag value (if it exists) relative = load.find("relative") if relative is not None: relative = relative.text try: relative = bool(relative) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # extract the "dof" tag value (if it exists) dof = load.find("dof") if dof is not None: dof = dof.text # Create a NodalLoad named tuple for the current load current_load = NodalLoad( dof=dof, node_set=load.attrib.get("node_set", None), type=load.attrib.get("type", None), relative=relative, scale=scale_value, load_curve=lc_curve, shell_bottom=shell_bottom ) # Add the new NodalLoad to the list nodal_loads.append(current_load) return nodal_loads @feb_instance_cache def get_surface_loads(self) -> List[SurfaceLoad]: pressure_loads_list = [] for i, load in enumerate(self.loads.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACELOAD.value)): press = load.find("pressure") if press is not None: load_info = load.attrib press_info = press.attrib # Extract the pressure multiplier, handling possible non-numeric values try: press_mult = float(press.text) except ValueError: press_mult = press.text # Keep as text if not convertible # Create a SurfaceLoad named tuple for the current load current_load = SurfaceLoad( surface=load_info.get("surface", f"UnnamedSurface{i}"), # Default to index if no surface name attributes=press_info, multiplier=press_mult ) # Append the created SurfaceLoad to the list pressure_loads_list.append(current_load) return pressure_loads_list @feb_instance_cache def get_load_curves(self, dtype=np.float32) -> List[LoadCurve]: load_curves_list = [] for loadcurve_elem in self.loaddata.findall(".//load_controller"): load_curve_id = loadcurve_elem.attrib['id'] try: load_curve_id = int(load_curve_id) except ValueError: pass load_curve_type = loadcurve_elem.find('interpolate').text.lower() # Adapting to 'interpolate' tag for curve type points = deque() # Extract points from each 'point' element within 'points' container for point_elem in loadcurve_elem.find('points').findall('pt'): # Split the point text by ',' and convert to float point = tuple(map(float, point_elem.text.split(','))) points.append(point) # Convert list of points to a numpy array of the specified dtype points_array = np.array(points, dtype=dtype) # Create a LoadCurve instance current_load_curve = LoadCurve(id=load_curve_id, interpolate_type=load_curve_type, data=points_array) load_curves_list.append(current_load_curve) return load_curves_list # Boundary conditions # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_boundary_conditions(self) -> List[Union[ZeroDisplacementCondition, ZeroShellDisplacementCondition, RigidBodyCondition, BoundaryCondition]]: if self.boundary is None: return [] boundary_conditions_list = [] for elem in self.boundary.findall(".//bc"): # Update to find 'bc' elements if elem.attrib.get('type') == 'zero displacement': # Extract DOFs dof = { "x_dof": elem.find("x_dof").text if elem.find("x_dof") is not None else "0", "y_dof": elem.find("y_dof").text if elem.find("y_dof") is not None else "0", "z_dof": elem.find("z_dof").text if elem.find("z_dof") is not None else "0" } # Create an instance of FixCondition for each 'zero displacement' element fix_condition = ZeroDisplacementCondition( dof=dof, node_set=elem.attrib['node_set'], name=elem.attrib.get('name') ) boundary_conditions_list.append(fix_condition) elif elem.attrib.get('type') == 'zero shell displacement': # Extract DOFs dof = { "sx_dof": elem.find("sx_dof").text if elem.find("sx_dof") is not None else "0", "sy_dof": elem.find("sy_dof").text if elem.find("sy_dof") is not None else "0", "sz_dof": elem.find("sz_dof").text if elem.find("sz_dof") is not None else "0" } # Create an instance of FixCondition for each 'zero displacement' element fix_condition = ZeroShellDisplacementCondition( dof=dof, node_set=elem.attrib['node_set'], name=elem.attrib.get('name') ) boundary_conditions_list.append(fix_condition) elif elem.tag == 'rigid_body': # Assuming rigid_body handling remains similar # Gather all 'fixed' sub-elements for a 'rigid_body' fixed_axes = [fixed.attrib['bc'] for fixed in elem.findall('fixed')] fixed_axes = ",".join(fixed_axes) if fixed_axes else "" # Create an instance of RigidBodyCondition for each 'rigid_body' element rigid_body_condition = RigidBodyCondition(material=elem.attrib['mat'], dof=fixed_axes) boundary_conditions_list.append(rigid_body_condition) else: # Fallback to a generic BoundaryCondition for unrecognized types tags = {child.tag: child.text for child in elem} generic_condition = BoundaryCondition(type=elem.tag, attributes=elem.attrib, tags=tags) boundary_conditions_list.append(generic_condition) return boundary_conditions_list # Mesh data # ------------------------------ @feb_instance_cache def get_nodal_data(self, dtype=np.float32) -> List[NodalData]: nodal_data_list = [] for data in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value): _this_data = deque() _these_ids = deque() for x in data.findall("node"): if ',' in x.text: # Split the string by commas and convert each to float _this_data.append([float(num) for num in x.text.split(',')]) elif x.text.isdigit(): # Convert single digit strings to float _this_data.append(float(x.text)) else: # Add non-numeric strings as is _this_data.append(x.text) _these_ids.append(int(x.attrib["lid"])) # Convert the lists to numpy arrays _this_data = np.array(_this_data, dtype=dtype) _these_ids = np.array(_these_ids, dtype=np.int64) - 1 ref = data.attrib["node_set"] name = data.attrib["name"] data_type = data.attrib.get("type", None) if data_type is None: if _this_data.ndim == 1: data_type = "scalar" elif _this_data.shape[1] == 3: data_type = "vector" else: data_type = "tensor" # Create a NodalData instance current_data = NodalData( node_set=ref, name=name, data=_this_data, # Ensure data is in the correct dtype ids=_these_ids, # Correct ids to zero-based indexing data_type=data_type, ) # Add the NodalData instance to the list nodal_data_list.append(current_data) return nodal_data_list @feb_instance_cache def get_surface_data(self, dtype=np.float32) -> List[SurfaceData]: surf_data_list = [] for data in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value): _this_data = deque() _these_ids = deque() for x in data.findall("surf"): if ',' in x.text: # Split the string by commas and convert each to float _this_data.append([float(num) for num in x.text.split(',')]) elif x.text.isdigit(): # Convert single digit strings to float _this_data.append(float(x.text)) else: # Add non-numeric strings as is _this_data.append(x.text) _these_ids.append(int(x.attrib["lid"])) ref = data.attrib["surf_set"] name = data.attrib["name"] # Create a NodalData instance current_data = SurfaceData( surf_set=ref, name=name, data=np.array(_this_data, dtype=dtype), # Ensure data is in the correct dtype ids=np.array(_these_ids, dtype=np.int64) - 1 # Correct ids to zero-based indexing ) # Add the NodalData instance to the list surf_data_list.append(current_data) return surf_data_list @feb_instance_cache def get_element_data(self, dtype=np.float32) -> List[ElementData]: elem_data_list = [] for data in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value): _this_data = deque() _these_ids = deque() for x in data.findall("e"): if ',' in x.text: # Split the string by commas and convert each to float _this_data.append([float(num) for num in x.text.split(',')]) elif x.text.isdigit(): # Convert single digit strings to float _this_data.append(float(x.text)) else: # Add non-numeric strings as is _this_data.append(x.text) _these_ids.append(int(x.attrib["lid"])) ref = data.attrib["elem_set"] name = data.attrib.get("name", None) var = data.attrib.get("var", None) data_type = data.attrib.get("type", None) # Create a ElementData instance current_data = ElementData( elem_set=ref, data=np.array(_this_data, dtype=dtype), # Ensure data is in the correct dtype ids=np.array(_these_ids, dtype=np.int64) - 1, # Correct ids to zero-based indexing name=name, var=var, data_type=data_type, ) # Add the ElementData instance to the list elem_data_list.append(current_data) return elem_data_list # ========================================================================================================= # Add methods # ========================================================================================================= # Main geometry data # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_nodes(self, nodes: List[Nodes]) -> None: """ Adds nodes to Geometry, appending to existing nodes if they share the same name. Automatically detects the highest node ID to ensure unique IDs for new nodes. Args: nodes (list of Nodes): List of Nodes namedtuples, each containing a name and coordinates. Raises: ValueError: If any node coordinates do not consist of three elements. """ # Retrieve existing nodes and determine the last node ID existing_nodes_list = self.get_nodes() last_initial_id = existing_nodes_list[-1].ids[-1] if existing_nodes_list else 1 # when adding nodes, FEBio starts from 1 existing_nodes = { node_elem for node_elem in existing_nodes_list} for node in nodes: if in existing_nodes: # Append to existing Nodes element el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//Nodes[@name='{}']") else: # Create a new Nodes element if no existing one matches the name el_root = ET.Element("Nodes") el_root.set("name", self.mesh.append(el_root) # Append new "Nodes" at the end of the geometry for i, node_xyz in enumerate(node.coordinates): if len(node_xyz) != 3: # Ensure each node has exactly three coordinates raise ValueError(f"Node {i + last_initial_id} does not have the correct number of coordinates. It should contain [x, y, z] values.") subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "node") subel.set("id", str(i + last_initial_id)) subel.text = ",".join(map(str, node_xyz)) # Convert coordinates to comma-separated string # Update the last_initial_id for the next node group last_initial_id += len(node.coordinates)
[docs] def add_elements(self, elements: List[Elements]) -> None: """ Adds elements to Geometry, appending to existing elements if they share the same name. Automatically detects the highest element ID to ensure unique IDs for new elements. Args: elements (list of Elements): List of Elements namedtuples, each containing name, material, type, and connectivity. Raises: ValueError: If any element connectivity does not meet expected format or length. """ # Retrieve existing elements and determine the last element ID existing_elements_list = self.get_elements() last_initial_id = existing_elements_list[-1].ids[-1] if existing_elements_list else 1 # when adding elements, FEBio starts from 1 existing_elements = { element for element in existing_elements_list} for element in elements: if in existing_elements: # Append to existing Elements group el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//Elements[@name='{}']") else: # Make sure the element type is valid, it must be a valid FEBio element type # However, user can also use VTK element types as input, but they must be # converted to FEBio types el_type = element.type # first, check if it is a VTK element type. FEBioElementType names # are the same as VTK element types. if el_type not in FEBioElementType.__members__.values(): if str(el_type).upper() in FEBioElementType.__members__.keys(): el_type = FEBioElementType[el_type].value else: raise ValueError(f"Element type {el_type} is not a valid FEBio element type.") # Create a new Elements group if no existing one matches the name el_root = ET.Element("Elements") el_root.set("type", el_type) if is not None: el_root.set("name", if element.part is not None: el_root.set("part", element.part) if element.mat is not None: el_root.set("mat", element.mat) self.mesh.append(el_root) # Append new "Elements" at the end of the geometry for i, connectivity in enumerate(element.connectivity): subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "elem") subel.set("id", str(i + last_initial_id)) subel.text = ",".join(map(str, connectivity + 1)) # Convert connectivity to comma-separated string # Update the last_initial_id for the next element group last_initial_id += len(element.connectivity)
def add_surfaces(self, elements: List[Surfaces]) -> None: # Filter elements by surface type filtered = [elem for elem in elements if elem.type in SURFACE_EL_TYPE.__members__] if len(filtered) == 0: raise ValueError("No surface elements found in the input list. Try using add_volume_elements() instead.") # Retrieve existing elements and determine the last element ID existing_surfaces_list = self.get_surface_elements() last_surf_initial_id = existing_surfaces_list[-1].ids[-1] if existing_surfaces_list else 1 existing_surfaces = { element for element in existing_surfaces_list} for surface in filtered: # Make sure the surface type is valid, it must be a valid FEBio surface type # However, user can also use VTK surface types as input, but they must be # converted to FEBio types el_type = surface.type # first, check if it is a VTK element type. FEBioElementType names # are the same as VTK element types. if el_type not in FEBioElementType.__members__.values(): if str(el_type).upper() in FEBioElementType.__members__.keys(): el_type = FEBioElementType[el_type].value else: raise TypeError(f"Element type {el_type} is not a valid FEBio element type.") if in existing_surfaces: # Append to existing Surfaces group el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//Surfaces[@name='{}']") else: el_root = ET.Element("Surface") el_root.set("name", str( # Append new "Surfaces" at the end of the geometry self.mesh.append(el_root) # Add element connectivities as sub-surfaces for i, connectivity in enumerate(surface.connectivity): subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, el_type) # FEBio use element type as tag name for surface surfaces # Set the element ID and convert the connectivity to a comma-separated string subel.set("id", str(i + last_surf_initial_id)) subel.text = ",".join(map(str, connectivity + 1)) # Convert connectivity to comma-separated string # Update the last_elem_initial_id for the next element group last_surf_initial_id += len(surface.connectivity) # Node, element, surface sets # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_node_sets(self, nodesets: List[NodeSet]) -> None: """ Adds node sets to Geometry, appending to existing node sets if they share the same name. Args: nodesets (list of NodeSet): List of NodeSet namedtuples, each containing a name and node IDs. """ existing_nodesets = { nodeset for nodeset in self.get_node_sets()} for nodeset in nodesets: node_ids = nodeset.ids if in existing_nodesets: # Append to existing NodeSet element el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//NodeSet[@name='{}']") # Make sure that node IDs are unique (merge both old and new then remove duplicates) existing_ids = existing_nodesets[].ids node_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate([existing_ids, node_ids])) else: # Create a new NodeSet element if no existing one matches the name el_root = ET.Element("NodeSet") el_root.set("name", self.mesh.append(el_root) # In spec 4.0, nodesets are text-elements and not sub-elements el_root.text = ",".join(map(str, node_ids + 1))
[docs] def add_surface_sets(self, surfacesets: List[SurfaceSet]) -> None: """ Adds surface sets to Geometry, appending to existing surface sets if they share the same name. Args: surfacesets (list of SurfaceSet): List of SurfaceSet namedtuples, each containing a name and node IDs. """ existing_surfacesets = { surfset for surfset in self.get_surface_sets()} for surfset in surfacesets: surf_ids = surfset.ids if in existing_surfacesets: # Append to existing SurfaceSet element el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//SurfaceSet[@name='{}']") # Make sure that node IDs are unique (merge both old and new then remove duplicates) existing_ids = existing_surfacesets[].ids surf_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate([existing_ids, surf_ids])) else: # Create a new SurfaceSet element if no existing one matches the name el_root = ET.Element("SurfaceSet") el_root.set("name", self.mesh.append(el_root) # In spec 4.0, surfacesets are text-elements and not sub-elements el_root.text = ",".join(map(str, surf_ids + 1))
[docs] def add_element_sets(self, elementsets: List[ElementSet]) -> None: """ Adds element sets to Geometry, appending to existing element sets if they share the same name. Args: elementsets (list of ElementSet): List of ElementSet namedtuples, each containing a name and element IDs. """ existing_elementsets = { elemset for elemset in self.get_element_sets()} for elemset in elementsets: elem_ids = elemset.ids if in existing_elementsets: # Append to existing ElementSet element el_root = self.mesh.find(f".//ElementSet[@name='{}']") # Make sure that element IDs are unique (merge both old and new then remove duplicates) existing_ids = existing_elementsets[].ids elem_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate([existing_ids, elem_ids])) else: # Create a new ElementSet element if no existing one matches the name el_root = ET.Element("ElementSet") el_root.set("name", self.mesh.append(el_root) # In spec 4.0, elements are text-elements and not sub-elements el_root.text = ",".join(map(str, elem_ids + 1))
# Mesh Domains # ------------------------------ def add_mesh_domains(self, domains: List[Union[GenericDomain, ShellDomain]]): # Get the root for MeshDomains or create one if it does not exist mesh_domains = self.root.find("MeshDomains") if mesh_domains is None: mesh_domains = ET.SubElement(self.root, "MeshDomains") # Iterate through the domains to add for domain in domains: if isinstance(domain, ShellDomain): # Create a ShellDomain element with specific attributes domain_elem = ET.SubElement(mesh_domains, "ShellDomain") domain_elem.set("name", domain_elem.set("mat", domain.mat) domain_elem.set("type", domain.type) # Add specific child for ShellDomain shell_thickness = ET.SubElement(domain_elem, "shell_thickness") shell_thickness.text = str(domain.shell_thickness) shell_normal_nodal_elem = ET.SubElement(domain_elem, "shell_normal_nodal") shell_normal_nodal_elem.text = str(domain.shell_normal_nodal) else: # Create a GenericDomain element with basic attributes ET.SubElement(mesh_domains, domain.tag,, mat=domain.mat) # Materials # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_materials(self, materials: List[Material]) -> None: """ Adds materials to Material, appending to existing materials if they share the same ID. Args: materials (list of Material): List of Material namedtuples, each containing an ID, type, parameters, name, and attributes. """ existing_materials = { material for material in self.get_materials()} for material in materials: if in existing_materials or str( in existing_materials: print(f"Material with ID {} already exists") # Append to existing Material element el_root = self.material.find(f".//material[@id='{}']") else: # Create a new Material element if no existing one matches the ID el_root = ET.Element("material") el_root.set("id", str( el_root.set("type", material.type) el_root.set("name", self.material.append(el_root) # Add parameters as sub-elements for key, value in material.parameters.items(): subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, key) subel.text = str(value)
# Loads # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_nodal_loads(self, nodal_loads: List[NodalLoad]) -> None: """ Adds nodal loads to Loads. Args: nodal_loads (list of NodalLoad): List of NodalLoad namedtuples, each containing a boundary condition, node set, scale, and load curve. """ for load in nodal_loads: # Create a new NodalLoad element if no existing one matches the node set el_root = ET.Element("nodal_load") el_root.set("node_set", load.node_set) el_root.set("type", load.type) if is not None: el_root.set("name", # Add data based on the type of load if load.type == "nodal_force": # add tag attributes (relative, shell_bottom) if load.relative is not None: relative_subel = int(ET.SubElement(el_root, "relative")) relative_subel.text = str(load.relative) if load.shell_bottom is not None: shell_bottom_subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "shell_bottom") shell_bottom_subel.text = str(load.shell_bottom) # Now, set the "value" tag with lc-attribute and scale text-value value_subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "value") # determine the type of value data if load.scale is not None and isinstance(load.scale, (tuple, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError( "If type='nodal_force', the 'scale' attribute must be a tuple or numpy array. " f"Got type: {type(load.scale)}") # Check if scale is N-D array if isinstance(load.scale, np.ndarray): if load.scale.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("If type='nodal_force' and scale is a numpy array, " "Then the 'scale' attribute must be a 1-dimensional array of length 3. ") # check if dof is a string and in xyz if not isinstance(load.dof, str) or load.dof not in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise ValueError("If the 'dof' attribute is provided, it must be a string representing the DOF. " "Valid values are 'x', 'y', 'z'." "If you have a load in multiple directions, please, remove the 'dof' attribute and provide " "the scale as a tuple, or numpy array.") if load.scale is None: value_subel.text = "0.0, 0.0, 0.0" # No scale provided, default to 0.0 else: # either tuple or numpy array value_subel.text = f"{load.scale[0]}, {load.scale[1]}, {load.scale[2]}" elif load.type == "nodal_load": # Set the dof tag element if load.dof is not None: dof_subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "dof") dof_subel.text = load.dof else: raise ValueError("If type='nodal_load', the 'dof' attribute must be provided. " "Valid values are 'x', 'y', 'z'.") # Now, set the "value" tag with lc-attribute and scale text-value scale_subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "scale") # set the load curve scale_subel.set("lc", str(load.load_curve)) # Add the scale data. if load.scale is None: scale_subel.text = "1.0" elif isinstance(load.scale, (str, int, float, np.number)): scale_subel.text = f"{load.scale}" elif isinstance(load.scale, np.ndarray): # check if the scale has the correct shape: 1-dim or 2-dim with 1 column if load.scale.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("If type='nodal_load' and scale is a numpy array, " "Then the 'scale' attribute must be a 1-dimensional array or a 2-dimensional array with 1 column. ") if load.scale.ndim == 2 and load.scale.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError("If type='nodal_load' and scale is a numpy array, " "Then the 'scale' attribute must be a 1-dimensional array or a 2-dimensional array with 1 column. ") # convert to 1-dim array load_scale = load.scale.flatten() # We now need to add this as mesh data; and then reference it here ref_data_name = f"nodal_load_{load.node_set}_scale" scale_subel.text = f"1*{ref_data_name}" # prepare the nodal data nodal_data = NodalData(node_set=load.node_set, name=ref_data_name, data=load_scale, ids=np.arange(0, len(load.scale) + 1)) # add the nodal data self.add_nodal_data([nodal_data]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'scale' attribute. It must be a string, number or numpy array.") # Append the new NodalLoad element to the 'loads' container self.loads.append(el_root)
[docs] def add_surface_loads(self, pressure_loads: List[SurfaceLoad]) -> None: """ Adds pressure loads to Loads, appending to existing pressure loads if they share the same surface. Args: pressure_loads (list of SurfaceLoad): List of SurfaceLoad namedtuples, each containing a surface, attributes, and multiplier. """ existing_surface_loads = {load.surface: load for load in self.get_surface_loads()} for load in pressure_loads: if load.surface in existing_surface_loads: # Append to existing SurfaceLoad element el_root = self.loads.find(f".//surface_load[@surface='{load.surface}']") else: # Create a new SurfaceLoad element if no existing one matches the surface el_root = ET.Element("surface_load") el_root.set("surface", load.surface) self.loads.append(el_root) el_root.text = str(load.multiplier) for key, value in load.attributes.items(): el_root.set(key, str(value))
[docs] def add_load_curves(self, load_curves: List[LoadCurve]) -> None: """ Adds load curves to LoadData, appending to existing load curves if they share the same ID. Args: load_curves (list of LoadCurve): List of LoadCurve namedtuples, each containing an ID, type, and data. """ existing_load_curves = { curve for curve in self.get_load_curves()} for curve in load_curves: curve_points = # 2-D array of points # try to convert to numpy array curve_points = np.array(curve_points) # Make sure that data is a 2-D array if curve_points.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"LoadCurve data must be a 2-dimensional array. Current shape: {curve_points.shape}") # Make sure that data has 2 columns if curve_points.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError(f"LoadCurve data must have 2 columns. Current shape: {curve_points.shape}") # Check if the curve ID already exists if in existing_load_curves: # Find existing LoadCurve element el_root = self.loaddata.find(f".//load_controller[@id='{}']") existing_points = existing_load_curves[].data # add the new points to the existing points (stack vertically) curve_points = np.vstack([existing_points, curve_points]) else: # Create a new LoadCurve element if no existing one matches the ID el_root = ET.Element("load_controller") el_root.set("id", str( self.loaddata.append(el_root) # Set type as 'loadcurve' el_root.set("type", "loadcurve") # Add the 'interpolate' tage element interpolate_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "interpolate") interpolate_elem.text = curve.interpolate_type.upper() # Ensure the correct case # Add the 'extend' tag element extend_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "extend") extend_elem.text = curve.extend.upper() # Ensure the correct case # Create a 'points' container element and add the curve points points_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "points") for point in curve_points: point_elem = ET.SubElement(points_elem, "pt") point_elem.text = ",".join(map(str, point))
# Boundary conditions # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_boundary_conditions(self, boundary_conditions: List[BoundaryCondition]) -> None: """ Adds boundary conditions to Boundary. Args: boundary_conditions (list of Union[FixCondition, RigidBodyCondition, BoundaryCondition]): List of boundary condition namedtuples. """ for i, bc in enumerate(boundary_conditions): if not issubclass(type(bc), BoundaryCondition): raise ValueError(f"Boundary condition at index {i} is not a valid BoundaryCondition instance." "Input boundary conditions must be instaces of BoundaryCondition or its subclasses." "e.g. BoundaryCondition, ZeroDisplacementCondition, RigidBodyCondition.") # Make sure that bc has a type (e.g. type is not None) if bc.type is None: raise ValueError(f"Boundary condition at index {i} must have a valid 'type' attribute.") # Create a new BoundaryCondition element el_root = ET.Element("bc") # Add the FixedCondition if bc.type == "fix" or bc.type == "zero displacement": # fix is used for backward compatibility if "s" in bc.dof.lower(): raise ValueError("FixCondition is no longer used in spec 4.0. " "It has been replaced by ZeroDisplacementCondition and ZeroShellDisplacementCondition. " "It is recommended to use ZeroDisplacementCondition instead of FixCondition. " "We are keeping this for backward compatibility, but it is only available for 'x', 'y', 'z' DOFs." "ZeroShellDisplacementCondition is used for shell elements, please use ZeroDisplacementCondition instead.") if bc.type == "fix": el_root.set("type", "zero displacement") else: el_root.set("type", bc.type) el_root.set("node_set", bc.node_set) if is None: name = f"FixCondition_{i}_{bc.node_set}" else: name = el_root.set("name", name) x_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "x_dof") y_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "y_dof") z_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "z_dof") if "x" in bc.dof.lower(): x_dof_elem.text = "1" else: x_dof_elem.text = "0" if "y" in bc.dof.lower(): y_dof_elem.text = "1" else: y_dof_elem.text = "0" if "z" in bc.dof.lower(): z_dof_elem.text = "1" else: z_dof_elem.text = "0" elif bc.type == "zero shell displacement": el_root.set("type", bc.type) el_root.set("node_set", bc.node_set) if is None: name = f"ZeroShellDisplacementCondition_{i}_{bc.node_set}" else: name = el_root.set("name", name) sx_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "sx_dof") sy_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "sy_dof") sz_dof_elem = ET.SubElement(el_root, "sz_dof") if "x" in bc.dof.lower(): sx_dof_elem.text = "1" else: sx_dof_elem.text = "0" if "y" in bc.dof.lower(): sy_dof_elem.text = "1" else: sy_dof_elem.text = "0" if "z" in bc.dof.lower(): sz_dof_elem.text = "1" else: sz_dof_elem.text = "0" elif bc.type == "rigid body": print("NEEDS TO BE TESTED") el_root.set("type", "rigid_body") el_root.set("mat", bc.material) if is None: name = f"RigidBodyCondition_{i}" else: name = el_root.set("name", name) for fixed in bc.dof.split(','): subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "fixed") subel.set("bc", fixed) else: # General BoundaryCondition el_root.set("type", bc.type) if bc.node_set is not None: el_root.set("node_set", bc.node_set) if bc.surf_set is not None: el_root.set("surf_set", bc.surf_set) if bc.elem_set is not None: el_root.set("elem_set", bc.elem_set) if is not None: el_root.set("name", if bc.material is not None: el_root.set("mat", str(bc.material)) if bc.dof is not None: split_dof = bc.dof.split(',') for dof_type in split_dof: subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, f"{dof_type}_dof") subel.text = "1" if bc.attributes is not None: for key, value in bc.attributes.items(): el_root.set(key, str(value)) if bc.tags is not None: for key, value in bc.tags.items(): subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, key) subel.text = str(value) self.boundary.append(el_root)
# Mesh data # ------------------------------
[docs] def add_nodal_data(self, nodal_data: List[NodalData]) -> None: """ Adds nodal data to MeshData, appending to existing nodal data if they share the same node set. Args: nodal_data (list of NodalData): List of NodalData namedtuples, each containing a node set, name, and data. """ existing_nodal_data = {data.node_set: data for data in self.get_nodal_data()} for data in nodal_data: if data.node_set in existing_nodal_data: # Append to existing NodalData element el_root = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value}[@node_set='{data.node_set}']") else: # Create a new NodalData element if no existing one matches the node set el_root = ET.Element(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value) el_root.set("node_set", data.node_set) el_root.set("name", self.meshdata.append(el_root) # Add node IDs and data as sub-elements for i, node_data in enumerate( subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "node") subel.set("lid", str(data.ids[i] + 1)) # Convert to one-based indexing if isinstance(node_data, (str, int, float, np.number)): subel.text = str(node_data) else: try: subel.text = ",".join(map(str, node_data)) except TypeError: raise ValueError(f"Node data for node set {data.node_set} is not in the correct format.")
[docs] def add_surface_data(self, surface_data: List[SurfaceData]) -> None: """ Adds surface data to MeshData, appending to existing surface data if they share the same surface set. Args: surface_data (list of SurfaceData): List of SurfaceData namedtuples, each containing a surface set, name, and data. """ existing_surface_data = {data.surf_set: data for data in self.get_surface_data()} for data in surface_data: if data.surf_set in existing_surface_data: # Append to existing SurfaceData element el_root = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value}[@surf_set='{data.surf_set}']") else: # Create a new SurfaceData element if no existing one matches the surface set el_root = ET.Element(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value) el_root.set("surf_set", data.surf_set) el_root.set("name", self.meshdata.append(el_root) for i, surf_data in enumerate( subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "surf") subel.set("lid", str(data.ids[i] + 1)) # Convert to one-based indexing if isinstance(surf_data, (str, int, float, np.number)): subel.text = str(surf_data) else: try: subel.text = ",".join(map(str, surf_data)) except TypeError: raise ValueError(f"Node data for node set {data.surf_set} is not in the correct format.")
[docs] def add_element_data(self, element_data: List[ElementData]) -> None: """ Adds element data to MeshData, appending to existing element data if they share the same element set. Args: element_data (list of ElementData): List of ElementData namedtuples, each containing an element set, name, and data. """ existing_element_data = {data.elem_set: data for data in self.get_element_data()} for data in element_data: if data.elem_set in existing_element_data: # Append to existing ElementData element el_root = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value}[@elem_set='{data.elem_set}']") else: # Create a new ElementData element if no existing one matches the element set el_root = ET.Element(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value) el_root.set("elem_set", data.elem_set) if is None and data.var is None: raise ValueError("ElementData must have either a name or var attribute.") if is not None: el_root.set("name", if data.var is not None: el_root.set("var", data.var) self.meshdata.append(el_root) for i, elem_data in enumerate( subel = ET.SubElement(el_root, "e") subel.set("lid", str(data.ids[i] + 1)) # Convert to one-based indexing if isinstance(elem_data, (str, int, float, np.number)): subel.text = str(elem_data) else: try: subel.text = ",".join(map(str, elem_data)) except TypeError: raise ValueError(f"Node data for node set {data.elem_set} is not in the correct format.")
# ========================================================================================================= # Remove methods # ========================================================================================================= # Main geometry data # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_nodes(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes nodes from Geometry by name. Args: names (list of str): List of node names to remove. """ for name in names: el = self.mesh.find(f".//Nodes[@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_elements(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes elements from Geometry by name. Args: names (list of str): List of element names to remove. """ for name in names: el = self.mesh.find(f".//Elements[@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_all_surface_elements(self) -> None: """ Removes all surface elements from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall("Elements"): if el.attrib.get("type") in SURFACE_EL_TYPE.__members__: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_all_volume_elements(self) -> None: """ Removes all volume elements from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall("Elements"): if el.attrib.get("type") not in SURFACE_EL_TYPE.__members__: self.mesh.remove(el)
# Node, element, surface sets # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_node_sets(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes node sets from Geometry by name. Args: names (list of str): List of node set names to remove. """ for name in names: el = self.mesh.find(f".//NodeSet[@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_surface_sets(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes surface sets from Geometry by name. Args: names (list of str): List of surface set names to remove. """ for name in names: el = self.mesh.find(f".//SurfaceSet[@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_element_sets(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes element sets from Geometry by name. Args: names (list of str): List of element set names to remove. """ for name in names: el = self.mesh.find(f".//ElementSet[@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.mesh.remove(el)
# Mesh Domains # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_mesh_domains(self, identifiers: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes domains from MeshDomains by id, name, or material. Args: identifiers (list of str): List of ids, names, or materials to remove. """ mesh_domains = self.root.find("MeshDomains") if mesh_domains is None: return # If there are no MeshDomains, nothing needs to be removed. # Iterate through each identifier to remove domains for identifier in identifiers: # Remove by name or mat attribute els_by_name_or_mat = mesh_domains.findall(f"./*[@name='{identifier}' or @mat='{identifier}']") for el in els_by_name_or_mat: mesh_domains.remove(el)
# Materials # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_materials(self, ids: List[Union[str, int]]) -> None: """ Removes materials from Material by ID, name or type. Args: ids (list of int): List of material IDs, types, remove. """ for id in ids: el = self.material.find(f".//material[@id='{id}']") if el is not None: self.material.remove(el) continue el = self.material.find(f".//material[@name='{id}']") if el is not None: self.material.remove(el) continue el = self.material.find(f".//material[@type='{id}']") if el is not None: self.material.remove(el) continue
# Loads # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_nodal_loads(self, name_or_dof_or_node_sets: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes nodal loads from Loads by name, degrees of freedom, or node set. Args: name_or_dof_or_node_sets (list of str): List of names, degrees of freedom, or node sets to remove. """ for identifier in name_or_dof_or_node_sets: # Remove by name attribute els_by_name = self.loads.findall(f".//nodal_load[@name='{identifier}']") for el in els_by_name: self.loads.remove(el) # Remove by node_set attribute els_by_node_set = self.loads.findall(f".//nodal_load[@node_set='{identifier}']") for el in els_by_node_set: self.loads.remove(el) # Remove by degrees of freedom (dof) els_by_dof = self.loads.findall(".//nodal_load[dof]") for el in els_by_dof: if el.find("dof").text == identifier: self.loads.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_surface_loads(self, surfaces: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes pressure loads from Loads by surface. Args: surfaces (list of str): List of surfaces to remove. """ for surf in surfaces: el = self.loads.find(f".//surface_load[@surface='{surf}']") if el is not None: self.loads.remove(el)
[docs] def remove_load_curves(self, ids: List[int]) -> None: """ Removes load curves from LoadData by ID. Args: ids (list of int): List of load curve IDs to remove. """ for id in ids: el = self.loaddata.find(f".//loadcurve[@id='{id}']") if el is not None: self.loaddata.remove(el)
# Boundary conditions # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_boundary_conditions(self, types: List[str], names: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Removes boundary conditions from the Boundary section by type and optionally filters type by name. e.g., remove_boundary_conditions(["fix"], ["FixedDisplacement01"]), instead of removing all fix conditions, only "FixedDisplacement01" will be removed. Args: types (list of str): List of boundary condition types to remove. names (list of str): Optional list of boundary condition names to specifically target for removal. """ for _type in types: if names is None: # Remove all boundary conditions of a specific type elements = self.boundary.findall(f".//bc[@type='{_type}']") for el in elements: self.boundary.remove(el) else: for name in names: # Find boundary condition by type and name el = self.boundary.find(f".//bc[@type='{_type}'][@name='{name}']") if el is not None: self.boundary.remove(el)
# Mesh data # ------------------------------
[docs] def remove_nodal_data(self, nodesets_or_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes nodal data from MeshData by node_set or name. Args: nodesets_or_names (list of str): List of node sets or names to remove. """ for ns in nodesets_or_names: el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value}[@node_set='{ns}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value}[@name='{ns}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue
[docs] def remove_surface_data(self, surfacesets_or_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes surface data from MeshData by surf_set or name. Args: surfacesets_or_names (list of str): List of surface sets or names to remove. """ for ss in surfacesets_or_names: el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value}[@surf_set='{ss}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value}[@name='{ss}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue
[docs] def remove_element_data(self, elementsets_or_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Removes element data from MeshData by elem_set or name. Args: elementsets_or_names (list of str): List of element sets or names to remove. """ for es in elementsets_or_names: el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value}[@elem_set='{es}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue el = self.meshdata.find(f".//{self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value}[@name='{es}']") if el is not None: self.meshdata.remove(el) continue
# ========================================================================================================= # Clear methods (remove all) # =========================================================================================================
[docs] def clear_nodes(self) -> None: """ Removes all nodes from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODES.value): self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_elements(self) -> None: """ Removes all elements from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTS.value): self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_surface_elements(self) -> None: """ Removes all surface elements from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTS.value): if el.attrib.get("type") in SURFACE_EL_TYPE.__members__: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_volume_elements(self) -> None: """ Removes all volume elements from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTS.value): if el.attrib.get("type") not in SURFACE_EL_TYPE.__members__: self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_node_sets(self) -> None: """ Removes all node sets from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODESET.value): self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_surface_sets(self) -> None: """ Removes all surface sets from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACESET.value): self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_element_sets(self) -> None: """ Removes all element sets from Geometry. """ for el in self.mesh.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTSET.value): self.mesh.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_mesh_domains(self) -> None: """ Removes all mesh domains from MeshDomains. """ for el in self.root.findall(self.LEAD_TAGS.MESHDOMAINS.value): self.root.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_materials(self) -> None: """ Removes all materials from Material. """ for el in self.material.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.MATERIAL.value): self.material.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_nodal_loads(self) -> None: """ Removes all nodal loads from Loads. """ for el in self.loads.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODALLOAD.value): self.loads.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_surface_loads(self) -> None: """ Removes all pressure loads from Loads. """ for el in self.loads.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACELOAD.value): self.loads.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_load_curves(self) -> None: """ Removes all load curves from LoadData. """ for el in self.loaddata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.LOADCURVE.value): self.loaddata.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_boundary_conditions(self) -> None: """ Removes all boundary conditions from Boundary. """ for el in self.boundary: self.boundary.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_nodal_data(self) -> None: """ Removes all nodal data from MeshData. """ for el in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.NODEDATA.value): self.meshdata.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_surface_data(self) -> None: """ Removes all surface data from MeshData. """ for el in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.SURFACE_DATA.value): self.meshdata.remove(el)
[docs] def clear_element_data(self) -> None: """ Removes all element data from MeshData. """ for el in self.meshdata.findall(self.MAJOR_TAGS.ELEMENTDATA.value): self.meshdata.remove(el)
[docs] def clear(self, nodes=True, elements=True, surfaces=True, volumes=True, nodesets=True, surfacesets=True, elementsets=True, materials=True, nodal_loads=True, pressure_loads=True, loadcurves=True, boundary_conditions=True, nodal_data=True, surface_data=True, element_data=True) -> None: """ Clears the FEBio model of all data, based on the specified options. Args: nodes (bool): Remove all nodes. elements (bool): Remove all elements. surfaces (bool): Remove all surface elements. volumes (bool): Remove all volume elements. nodesets (bool): Remove all node sets. surfacesets (bool): Remove all surface sets. elementsets (bool): Remove all element sets. materials (bool): Remove all materials. nodal_loads (bool): Remove all nodal loads. pressure_loads (bool): Remove all pressure loads. loadcurves (bool): Remove all load curves. boundary_conditions (bool): Remove all boundary conditions. nodal_data (bool): Remove all nodal data. surface_data (bool): Remove all surface data. element_data (bool): Remove all element data. """ if nodes: self.clear_nodes() if elements: self.clear_elements() if surfaces: self.clear_surface_elements() if volumes: self.clear_volume_elements() if nodesets: self.clear_node_sets() if surfacesets: self.clear_surface_sets() if elementsets: self.clear_element_sets() if materials: self.clear_materials() if nodal_loads: self.clear_nodal_loads() if pressure_loads: self.clear_surface_loads() if loadcurves: self.clear_load_curves() if boundary_conditions: self.clear_boundary_conditions() if nodal_data: self.clear_nodal_data() if surface_data: self.clear_surface_data() if element_data: self.clear_element_data()
# ========================================================================================================= # Update methods # ========================================================================================================= # Main geometry data # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_nodes(self, nodes: List[Nodes]) -> None: """ Updates nodes in Geometry by name, replacing existing nodes with the same name. Args: nodes (list of Nodes): List of Nodes namedtuples, each containing a name and coordinates. """ self.remove_nodes([ for node in nodes]) self.add_nodes(nodes)
[docs] def update_elements(self, elements: List[Elements]) -> None: """ Updates elements in Geometry by name, replacing existing elements with the same name. Args: elements (list of Elements): List of Elements namedtuples, each containing name, material, type, and connectivity. """ self.remove_elements([ for element in elements]) self.add_elements(elements)
# Node, element, surface sets # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_node_sets(self, nodesets: List[NodeSet]) -> None: """ Updates node sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing node sets with the same name. Args: nodesets (list of NodeSet): List of NodeSet namedtuples, each containing a name and node IDs. """ self.remove_node_sets([ for nodeset in nodesets]) self.add_node_sets(nodesets)
[docs] def update_surface_sets(self, surfacesets: List[SurfaceSet]) -> None: """ Updates surface sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing surface sets with the same name. Args: surfacesets (list of SurfaceSet): List of SurfaceSet namedtuples, each containing a name and node IDs. """ self.remove_surface_sets([ for surfset in surfacesets]) self.add_surface_sets(surfacesets)
[docs] def update_element_sets(self, elementsets: List[ElementSet]) -> None: """ Updates element sets in Geometry by name, replacing existing element sets with the same name. Args: elementsets (list of ElementSet): List of ElementSet namedtuples, each containing a name and element IDs. """ self.remove_element_sets([ for elemset in elementsets]) self.add_element_sets(elementsets)
# Mesh Domains # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_mesh_domains(self, domains: List[Union[GenericDomain, ShellDomain]]) -> None: """ Updates mesh domains in MeshDomains by name, replacing existing mesh domains with the same name. Args: domains (list of Union[GenericDomain, ShellDomain]): List of domain namedtuples. """ self.remove_mesh_domains([ for domain in domains]) self.add_mesh_domains(domains)
# Materials # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_materials(self, materials: List[Material]) -> None: """ Updates materials in Material by ID, replacing existing materials with the same ID. Args: materials (list of Material): List of Material namedtuples, each containing an ID, type, parameters, name, and attributes. """ self.remove_materials([ for material in materials]) self.add_materials(materials)
# Loads # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_nodal_loads(self, nodal_loads: List[NodalLoad]) -> None: """ Updates nodal loads in Loads by node set, replacing existing nodal loads with the same node set. Args: nodal_loads (list of NodalLoad): List of NodalLoad namedtuples, each containing a boundary condition, node set, scale, and load curve. """ self.remove_nodal_loads([load.node_set for load in nodal_loads]) self.add_nodal_loads(nodal_loads)
[docs] def update_surface_loads(self, pressure_loads: List[SurfaceLoad]) -> None: """ Updates pressure loads in Loads by surface, replacing existing pressure loads with the same surface. Args: pressure_loads (list of SurfaceLoad): List of SurfaceLoad namedtuples, each containing a surface, attributes, and multiplier. """ self.remove_surface_loads([load.surface for load in pressure_loads]) self.add_surface_loads(pressure_loads)
[docs] def update_load_curves(self, load_curves: List[LoadCurve]) -> None: """ Updates load curves in LoadData by ID, replacing existing load curves with the same ID. Args: load_curves (list of LoadCurve): List of LoadCurve namedtuples, each containing an ID, type, and data. """ self.remove_load_curves([ for curve in load_curves]) self.add_load_curves(load_curves)
# Boundary conditions # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_boundary_conditions(self, boundary_conditions: List[Union[FixCondition, RigidBodyCondition, BoundaryCondition]]) -> None: """ Updates boundary conditions in Boundary, replacing existing boundary conditions with the same type. Args: boundary_conditions (list of Union[FixCondition, RigidBodyCondition, BoundaryCondition]): List of boundary condition namedtuples. """ bc_types = [bc.type for bc in boundary_conditions] bc_bcs = [] for bc in boundary_conditions: if hasattr(bc, "bc"): bc_bcs.append(bc.bc) else: bc_bcs.append(None) self.remove_boundary_conditions(bc_types, bc_bcs) self.add_boundary_conditions(boundary_conditions)
# Mesh data # ------------------------------
[docs] def update_nodal_data(self, nodal_data: List[NodalData]) -> None: """ Updates nodal data in MeshData by node set, replacing existing nodal data with the same node set. Args: nodal_data (list of NodalData): List of NodalData namedtuples, each containing a node set, name, and data. """ self.remove_nodal_data([data.node_set for data in nodal_data]) self.add_nodal_data(nodal_data)
[docs] def update_surface_data(self, surface_data: List[SurfaceData]) -> None: """ Updates surface data in MeshData by surface set, replacing existing surface data with the same surface set. Args: surface_data (list of SurfaceData): List of SurfaceData namedtuples, each containing a surface set, name, and data. """ self.remove_surface_data([data.node_set for data in surface_data]) self.add_surface_data(surface_data)
[docs] def update_element_data(self, element_data: List[ElementData]) -> None: """ Updates element data in MeshData by element set, replacing existing element data with the same element set. Args: element_data (list of ElementData): List of ElementData namedtuples, each containing an element set, name, and data. """ self.remove_element_data([data.node_set for data in element_data]) self.add_element_data(element_data)
# ========================================================================================================= # Base control setup # ========================================================================================================= def setup_module(self, module_type="solid"): self.module.attrib["type"] = module_type
[docs] def setup_controls(self, analysis="STATIC", time_steps=10, step_size=0.1, plot_zero_state: bool = True, plot_range=(0, 1), plot_level="PLOT_MAJOR_ITRS", output_level="OUTPUT_MAJOR_ITRS", plot_stride=1, output_stride=1, adaptor_re_solve=1, # solver settings solver_type="solid", symmetric_stiffness="symmetric", equation_scheme="staggered", equation_order="default", optimize_bw=0, lstol=0.75, lsmin=0.01, lsiter=5, max_refs=15, check_zero_diagonal=0, zero_diagonal_tol=0, force_partition=0, reform_each_time_step=1, reform_augment=0, diverge_reform=1, min_residual=1e-20, max_residual=0, dtol=0.001, etol=0.01, rtol=0, alpha=1, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5, logSolve=0, arc_length=0, arc_length_scale=0, qn_method_type="BFGS", max_ups=10, max_buffer_size=0, cycle_buffer=1, cmax=100000, qnmethod=0, rhoi=0, # time stepper settings time_stepper_type="default", max_retries=5, opt_iter=10, dtmin=0.01, dtmax=0.1, aggressiveness=0, cutback=0.5, dtforce=0, **control_settings): """ Set up control settings in an FEBio .feb file. Args: analysis (str): Analysis type. time_steps (int): Number of time steps. step_size (float): Size of each time step. plot_zero_state (bool): Whether to plot zero state. plot_range (tuple): Range of plot. plot_level (str): Level of plot. output_level (str): Level of output. plot_stride (int): Plot stride. output_stride (int): Output stride. adaptor_re_solve (int): Adaptor resolve setting. solver_type (str): Type of solver. symmetric_stiffness (str): Symmetric stiffness setting. equation_scheme (str): Equation scheme. equation_order (str): Equation order. optimize_bw (int): Optimize bandwidth. lstol (float): Line search tolerance. lsmin (float): Minimum line search. lsiter (int): Line search iterations. max_refs (int): Maximum refinements. check_zero_diagonal (int): Check zero diagonal. zero_diagonal_tol (int): Zero diagonal tolerance. force_partition (int): Force partition. reform_each_time_step (int): Reform each time step. reform_augment (int): Reform augment. diverge_reform (int): Diverge reform. min_residual (float): Minimum residual. max_residual (int): Maximum residual. dtol (float): Displacement tolerance. etol (float): Energy tolerance. rtol (int): Residual tolerance. alpha (int): Alpha value. beta (float): Beta value. gamma (float): Gamma value. logSolve (int): Log solve setting. arc_length (int): Arc length. arc_length_scale (int): Arc length scale. qn_method_type (str): Quasi-Newton method type. max_ups (int): Maximum ups. max_buffer_size (int): Maximum buffer size. cycle_buffer (int): Cycle buffer. cmax (int): Maximum cycles. qnmethod (int): Quasi-Newton method. rhoi (int): Rho I. time_stepper_type (str): Time stepper type. max_retries (int): Maximum retries. opt_iter (int): Optimizer iterations. dtmin (float): Minimum time step. dtmax (float): Maximum time step. aggressiveness (int): Aggressiveness level. cutback (float): Cutback value. dtforce (int): Force time step. control_settings (dict): Additional control settings. """ # Clear any existing control settings if self.control is not None: self.root.remove(self.control) # Create new control element self.control # will trigger the creation of the control element # Add individual settings # Add individual settings settings = { "analysis": analysis, "time_steps": time_steps, "step_size": step_size, "plot_zero_state": int(plot_zero_state), "plot_range": f"{plot_range[0]},{plot_range[1]}", "plot_level": plot_level, "output_level": output_level, "plot_stride": plot_stride, "output_stride": output_stride, "adaptor_re_solve": adaptor_re_solve, "solver": { "attr_type": solver_type, "symmetric_stiffness": symmetric_stiffness, "equation_scheme": equation_scheme, "equation_order": equation_order, "optimize_bw": optimize_bw, "lstol": lstol, "lsmin": lsmin, "lsiter": lsiter, "max_refs": max_refs, "check_zero_diagonal": check_zero_diagonal, "zero_diagonal_tol": zero_diagonal_tol, "force_partition": force_partition, "reform_each_time_step": reform_each_time_step, "reform_augment": reform_augment, "diverge_reform": diverge_reform, "min_residual": min_residual, "max_residual": max_residual, "dtol": dtol, "etol": etol, "rtol": rtol, "rhoi": rhoi, "alpha": alpha, "beta": beta, "gamma": gamma, "logSolve": logSolve, "arc_length": arc_length, "arc_length_scale": arc_length_scale, "qn_method": { "attr_type": qn_method_type, "max_ups": max_ups, "max_buffer_size": max_buffer_size, "cycle_buffer": cycle_buffer, "cmax": cmax, }, }, "time_stepper": { "attr_type": time_stepper_type, "max_retries": max_retries, "opt_iter": opt_iter, "dtmin": dtmin, "dtmax": dtmax, "aggressiveness": aggressiveness, "cutback": cutback, "dtforce": dtforce, } } settings.update(control_settings) for key, value in settings.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): # handle nested elements like time_stepper and analysis sub_element = ET.SubElement(self.control, key) for subkey, subvalue in value.items(): if subkey.startswith("attr_"): sub_element.set(subkey[5:], str(subvalue)) else: if isinstance(subvalue, dict): print(subkey, subvalue) subsub_element = ET.SubElement(sub_element, subkey) for subsubkey, subsubvalue in subvalue.items(): if subsubkey.startswith("attr_"): subsub_element.set(subsubkey[5:], str(subsubvalue)) else: subsubsub_element = ET.SubElement(subsub_element, subsubkey) subsubsub_element.text = str(subsubvalue) else: subsub_element = ET.SubElement(sub_element, subkey) subsub_element.text = str(subvalue) else: element = ET.SubElement(self.control, key) element.text = str(value)
[docs] def setup_globals(self, T=0, P=0, R=0, Fc=0): """ Set up or replace the globals settings in an FEBio .feb file. Args: T (float): Temperature constant. P (float): Pressure constant. R (float): Universal gas constant. Fc (float): Force constant. Returns: None """ # Clear any existing globals settings globals_tag = self.root.find("Globals") if globals_tag is not None: self.root.remove(globals_tag) # Create new Globals element globals_tag = self.globals # Create Constants sub-element under Globals constants = ET.SubElement(globals_tag, "Constants") # Add individual constants constants_dict = { "T": T, "P": P, "R": R, "Fc": Fc } for key, value in constants_dict.items(): element = ET.SubElement(constants, key) element.text = str(value)
[docs] def setup_output(self, variables=None): """ Set up or replace the output settings in an FEBio .feb file. Args: variables (list of str): List of variables to output. If None, defaults to a predefined set. Returns: None """ # Default variables if none are provided if variables is None: variables = ["displacement", "element strain energy", "Lagrange strain", "stress"] # Clear any existing output settings output_tag = self.root.find("Output") if output_tag is not None: self.root.remove(output_tag) # Create new Output element output_tag = self.output # will trigger the creation of the output element # Create plotfile sub-element under Output plotfile = ET.SubElement(output_tag, "plotfile") plotfile.set("type", "febio") # Add variables for var in variables: var_element = ET.SubElement(plotfile, "var") var_element.set("type", var)