from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Union
from febio_python.utils.log import console_log
from febio_python.core.enums import XPLT_TAGS as TAGS
from febio_python.core import (
from ._binary_file_reader_helpers import search_block, read_bytes, get_file_size
def check_fileformat(bf, verbose):
fformat = read_bytes(bf)
if (TAGS.FEBIO.value == fformat):
console_log('Correct FEBio format.', 2, verbose)
raise ValueError(f"Input XPLIT file does not have the correct format. Expected: {TAGS.FEBIO.value}, received: {fformat}")
def check_fileversion(bf, verbose):
version = read_bytes(bf)
# return version
if (version == TAGS.VERSION_2_5.value):
console_log(f'Current spec version is: 2.5 -> {version}', 2, verbose)
raise RuntimeError("XPLT version 2.5 is no longer supported.")
elif (version == TAGS.VERSION_3_0.value):
console_log(f'Current spec version is: 3.0 -> {version}', 2, verbose)
return 3.0
elif (version == 49):
console_log(f'Current spec version is: 3.0 -> {version} | WARNING: Docs say version should be 8, but it is 49.', 2, verbose)
return 3.0
elif (version == 52):
console_log(f'Current spec version is: 4.0 -> {version} | WARNING: Docs have not being released for spec 4.0. Using reader for spec 3.0', 2, verbose)
return 4.0
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrect XPLIT file version: {version}, expected version: {TAGS.VERSION_2_5} or [{TAGS.VERSION_3_0} or 49]"
# .format(version, int(TAGS.VERSION_2_5, base=16), int(TAGS.VERSION_3_0, base=16)))
def read_xplt(xplit_filepath: Union[Path, str], verbose: int = 0) -> Tuple[XpltMesh, States]:
"""Reads a XPLT file and returns a XpltMesh and States object.
xplit_filepath (Union[Path, str]): _description_
verbose (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.
Tuple[XpltMesh, States]: _description_
xplit_filepath = Path(xplit_filepath)
if not xplit_filepath.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {xplit_filepath}")
# open binary file
with open(xplit_filepath, "rb") as bf:
# get file size and check if its not empty
filesize = get_file_size(bf)
if filesize == 0:
raise ValueError("Input xplit file size is zero. Please, check file.")
# check if file format meets requirement
check_fileformat(bf, verbose)
console_log("Checking filer version", 1, verbose, header=True)
# move cursor to "ROOT"
search_block(bf, TAGS.ROOT, verbose=verbose)
# move cursor to "HEADER"
search_block(bf, TAGS.HEADER, verbose=verbose)
# move cursor to "HDR_VERSION" -> feb file version
search_block(bf, TAGS.HDR_VERSION, verbose=verbose)
version = check_fileversion(bf, verbose)
console_log(f"File version: {version}", 2, verbose)
if version == 3.0:
from ._spec_30 import read_spec30
return read_spec30(xplit_filepath, verbose=verbose)
elif version == 4.0:
from ._spec_40 import read_spec40
return read_spec40(xplit_filepath, verbose=verbose)
raise ValueError(f"XPLT file version not supported: {version}"
"We currently only support version 3.0 and 4.0."
"NOTE: version 4.0 is not fully supported yet.")